In our last post, How To Get Shy Guys To Ask For Your Number, we talked about setting the conditions for what we're about to do--give your number to a gay guy and make him think it was his idea :)
In the ideal world Mr. Man has the confidence to ask for your number, but too many don’t. So sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do and sometimes a girl has to give him her number and make him think he asked for it.
You can do it in funny, clever ways. The idea is to chase him until he catches you. Here are some great examples that amp up the fun with zero awkwardness:
Example #1:
Show me the funniest pictures on your phone.
(brings them up).
You: Ooh, I love that one! Text it to me so I can send it to my friends and take all the credit for it.
Example #2:
Here, let me show you some funny pictures on my phone.
Oh, that one’s hilarious!
You: Right? Here, forward it to yourself (hand him the phone). But I want full credit when you send it to your friends.
Example #3:
Let me see your phone for a sec.
You: I want to take a picture of you so you can send it to me (take pic)
Him: Cool. What’s your number?
Example #4:
You: “Do you have a phone?”
Him: “Yes, why?”
You: “Can I make a call really quick?”
Him: “Uhm, sure.” (uncertain what you’re up to)
You: (dialing your own number) “There’s a cool guy I want to set you up with. Let’s see if he’s willing.” (Pretend you’re talking and say “uh-huh” a lot. Then hang up and say, “He says yes but only if you buy him another drink.”).
Example #5:
Let me see your phone for a sec.
You: (scrolling through
address book) Unbelievable!
What’s wrong?
We’ve been talking for 20 minutes and my number still isn’t in your phone? Tragic!
Example #6:
Let me see your phone for a sec.
You: (Punch in your phone number) “Whew! We got that out of the way!”
Example #7:
You: “Hey, I had a great time talking to you. Thanks for the great conversation, but I’m meeting some friends and I’m late.
Him: “Oh, okay.” (surprised)
You: (Walk away, then suddenly turn back) Hey, I just thought of something. How are we going to continue this if you don’t have my phone number?
So you used our best gay dating advice and slyly slipped that hottie your digits, making him think scoring your number was his glorious idea. Yaaas! But let's get real, kitten. Just because you handed Mr. Dreamboat your contact info on a silver platter doesn't mean he'll actually use it!
The cold, hard fact about today's flakey gay dating scene is that all those matches and winks mean nothing. Guys could have a 99% love match and their Tinder prince still ghosts after date #3! It's a jungle out there when you're traversing the messy world of gay Tinder, free gay dating apps, and all those cattle call meat markets masquerading as the best way to meet gay guys.
So here's the gag: separate the men from the gworls! Any piece of trade who doesn't text you within 48 hours? Delete his number along with last season's cheap knockoffs! If he can't appreciate a fine confection like yourself, that's his loss, babycakes!
Now you could waste weeks playing text tennis with time-wasters you met on low-budget gay dating sites. Or you could join us at the club to snag an eligible bachelor the old fashioned way: by twerking on him until he showers you in bottles of overpriced bubbly! Jokes aside, don't settle for less than you deserve! Stay fabulous!
Next: What Your First Texts Should Say