If they don’t send a signal, don’t bother. We’re men; we know what we want and we’re not afraid of showing it. If we’re not looking we’re not interested.
You’re in or out. End of story. It’s black and white. We’re not chicks--we don’t try to “find out” if we’re interested, we just know.
If you don’t have the look, you don’t stand a chance. There are A-Gays and everyone else. If you’re a B, or God forbid, a C-gay, good luck.
Now, let’s get real. There’s a lot of truth to these generalizations. Most gay men look if they’re interested. Most have yes/no attraction switches. And most of us tend to have an unrealistic standard of beauty.
But the key word is most. And the mathematical number that makes most a reality is 51%. That means that up to 49% of men do not fit into these categories.
Let’s take a closer look:
Not true. There are lots of good reasons why he wouldn’t:
It’s true, most guys will look if they’re interested. I know I do. But I’m always amazed at how many don’t. Unless you’re in a cruisy bar, most guys
don’t broadcast their desires. Often, the more a guy is into you, the cooler he tends to play it. Which sets up a
dating Catch-22: If the guys attracted to you act like the guys who aren’t, how are you supposed to tell the difference? Keep reading.
Let’s tackle the second generalization:
Maybe. But how many times have you looked at a guy and thought,
“Hmm, am I attracted to him? Maybe, kinda, sort of.”
And he’ll never know it because you won’t
let him know it, right? Otherwise he might come over and oh, dear, you’d be stuck talking to a guy that you turned out not to like. By the way, one of the longest relationships I ever had started out with a weak attraction.
You’ve probably also had another universal experience: Having an ambivalent attraction bloom into full-throated desire simply because you got to know a guy better. That’s what this plan is about--getting guys you never thought you had a chance with to actually give you that chance.
Big Gay Lie #3: Shagability Is A Beauty Nazi.
I’m not going to sit here and say you’ve got a good shot at a “10” when you’re a “2.” You don’t. But that doesn’t mean you can’t date guys out of your league. It’s not unusual for “5s” date “9’s” once they’ve applied everything they’ve learned in this report. I know because I’ve coached them.
Now that we’ve made a substantial shift in your thinking, let’s get you some confidence. Stay tuned for our next series of posts that will cultivate rock star confidence so you can approach anybody anywhere.
Or if you want to get a head start grab your copy of Meet Hotter Gay Guys. The 21 Day Plan To Overcome Your Fear of Rejection, Master the Art of Icebreakers and Snag Guys You Never Thought You Could Get.
Because hey, that's where we are stealing all our ideas :-)